WCCC Office of Enrollment Management and Student Services

Student Information System Update – Important Information

As you likely have heard, WCCC is working on new technologies to provide you with a better experience and enhance our ability to serve you.

Course Registration or Withdrawals

Course registration, add/drop, or course withdrawal will not be available via the current MyWCCC Student Portal between February 28-March 17th.  Students can submit a paper form to Donna Geel in the Academic Affairs Office or via email to add/drop for (Mod B) or withdrawal courses during this period and they will be processed in the new Anthology system after March 17th.  New students enrolling for the Spring 2025 Mod B semester that begins on March 17th who have not yet registered will be processed in the new Anthology system after March 17th.  If you are a new student with questions about your course schedule, follow step 2 in the new student guide or reach out to your New Student Success Specialist with questions.

Student Billing/Payments

The Business Office is unable to accept payments during the transition between February 28-March 17th.  Students can make payments after March 17th via the new Anthology system.

Transcript Requests

The current MyWCCC Student Portal will no longer be available to students after February 28th, 2025.  Official transcripts are available during this transition period and can be requested here.

Student Email Account Transition

New @mainecc.edu student accounts for WCCC students were created beginning October 30th.    You will finish the Spring 2025 semester with your current @wccc.me.edu account for the apps:

  • Brightspace
  • RAVE
  • Barnes & Noble / Bookstore / Cengage / Pearson MyMathLab

Your new @mainecc.edu email address will be used for logins to the Anthology Student Portal and the new MyWCCC SharePoint Portal. It will also be the primary means of communication with faculty and staff. These accounts have already rolled so you will be prepared to access the new systems.  We encourage you to connect with Information Technology Support (ITS) for assistance if you do not remember your mainecc.edu login information.

Important: In the Spring 2025 semester, you will use your new @mainecc.edu account for:

  • A new system called Anthology Student portal will become available on March 17th 2025.  You will be able to use Anthology Student portal to review your student record, bills, and registration, etc.

We are here to help with the transition. Contact IT at 207-331-9666 or ithelp@mainecc.edu, Monday–Friday from 10 a.m.–7 p.m.

Why do I need a new account?

The new account is required as part of the implementation of the Anthology Student Portal and its associated products.

What Will My New Email Be?

Your new email will be in this format: firstname.lastname@mainecc.edu

If you have the same first & last name as another student, one of you will have a number after your name in your email address.

What is Anthology Student Portal?

Anthology Student Portal is your gateway to Maine Community College System’s information and services. Student Portal provides convenient access to academic information, financial aid information, career placement services, and opportunities to communicate with staff and advisors.
Student Portal has menu options such as:
• Campus Info
• My Academics

How Will I receive my new email account?

Students were sent an email to your current @wccc.me.edu email address with instructions on how to claim your new email account, including how to set the password for it.

We encourage you to contact Information Technology Support (ITS) for assistance or with any questions you have.

What is the Timeline for the Transition?

New @mainecc.edu student accounts for WCCC students were created beginning October 30th.    You will continue in the Spring semester starting January 13th with your current @wccc.me.edu account for most of the apps you are familiar with:

  • MyWCCC Student Portal
  • Brightspace
  • RAVE
  • Barnes & Noble / Bookstore / Cengage / Pearson MyMathLab

On March 17, 2025,  your new @mainecc.edu email address will be used for a new system called Anthology Student portal.  At that time, you will be able to use the Anthology Student portal to review your student record, bills, and registration, etc.  More communication will be provided about which email account to use for Brightspace, RAVE Alert, and Barnes and Noble closer to the conversion date.

Frequently Asked Questions

General Topics

Why do I need a new account?

The new account is required as part of the implementation of the Anthology Student Portal and its associated products.

What is Anthology Student Portal?

Anthology Student Portal is your gateway to Maine Community College System’s information and services. Student Portal provides convenient access to academic information, financial aid information, career placement services, and opportunities to communicate with staff and advisors.

Student Portal has menu options such as:

Campus Info

My Academics

Transfer Credits, etc.

What is the timeline for the transition?

New @mainecc.edu student accounts for WCCC students were created beginning October 30th.    You will continue in the Spring semester starting January 13th with your current @wccc.me.edu account for most of the apps you are familiar with:

  • MyWCCC Student Portal
  • Brightspace
  • RAVE
  • Barnes & Noble / Bookstore / Cengage / Pearson MyMathLab

On March 17, 2025,  your new @mainecc.edu email address will be used for a new system called Anthology Student portal.  At that time, you will be able to use the Anthology Student portal to review your student record, bills, and registration, etc.  More communication will be provided about which email account to use for Brightspace, RAVE Alert, and Barnes and Noble closer to the conversion date.

What Will My New Email Be?

Your new email will be in this format: firstname.lastname@mainecc.edu

If you have the same first & last name as another student, one of you will have a number after your name in your email address.

When Will I Start Using It as a Login to Accounts?

Generally, you will continue in the Spring semester starting January 13th with your current @wccc.me.edu account for most of the apps you are familiar with

College Student Portal (MyEMCC, MyNMCC etc.)



Barnes & Noble / Bookstore / Cengage / Pearson MyMathLabs

Important: You will use your new @mainecc.edu account for:

A new system called Anthology Student portal will come on-line March 17th

Use Anthology Student portal to review your student record, bills, and registration, etc.

During the Fall 2024 semester, where will I receive my email and notifications?

You should use your @wccc.me.edu email for all purposes, including communicating with faculty, receiving alerts from Rave, etc. until the new Anthology portal goes live on March 17, 2025.

What Happens in the Spring 2025?

At the start of the Spring 2025 semester, you will continue to use your wccc.me.edu email address for logins to all systems, including Brightspace, Rave, and Barnes and Noble. It will also be the primary means of communication with faculty and staff. Be on the lookout for more information about setting up new logins and passwords closer to the March 17, 2025 go-live date for the new Anthology Student software.

If I will mostly use this email address in the Spring 2025, why give it to me now?

To ease the transition to the March 17th go-live date, we are rolling out these accounts now so you will be prepared to access the new systems.

How Will I receive my new email account?

You were sent an email on or around October 30, 2024 to your current @wccc.me.edu email address with instructions on how to claim your new email account, including how to set the password for it.

How do I get help?

A special help desk phone number is available to answer your questions and help you access your new account. Call (207)-331-9666 to speak with a support technician between 8am-5pm M-F. You can also reach out to our friendly IT support team by creating a ticket via email (ithelp@mainecc.edu). They’re here to guide you through any technical challenges.

When will my current email account stop working?

Your old email account and content in it (email, calendars, Google Docs/OneDrive) will remain available until, at least, May 15, 2025.  After that time, it will be turned off.

How can I move my email from my college account to my new mainecc.edu account?

Instructions for this process can be found here: Mail Import Export Process.docx

• How do I sign into course supplements like MyMathLab or Cengage – with my new or old email?

Continue to use your @wccc.me.edu account as the username for these 3rd party sites, unless specifically instructed to begin using your mainecc.edu account.

Any account which a student registered for using their @wccc.me.edu email address can be updated to the mainecc.edu address. See the service provider for instructions.

Continued Use of Old Email Accounts

Will I even need my old email account after the migration?

College coursework will be conducted using the @mainecc.edu email accounts beginning in the Spring 2025 semester. Legacy email accounts will still be available to the student, for incidental needs, such as subscriptions to online services registered under the college email address (ex: Cengage, MyMathLabs). New subscriptions should be registered using the new mainecc.edu address.

Can students access and send email from college email accounts after they get their mainecc.edu account?

Yes, the old college email accounts will remain available to the student until at least the end of Spring 2025 semester.

What happens to my old email – how long is it active? What happens if an email is sent to my old email account?

Student email accounts (@wccc.me.edu) will remain active and available through the Spring 2025 semester.  Student email accounts will not be forwarded, and student email data will not be migrated.

How will students update their 3rd party sites which are part of the college experience? (Cengage, MyMathlabs, Spotify)

There is no technical means for ITS to accomplish these changes on behalf of students.  Because college email will be available to students through at least the end of Spring 2025, individuals will have that time to make changes to external accounts they have registered for with their college account. When necessary, students may consult the IT helpdesk for advice or assistance.

Other Topics

Why am I being asked for personal email, phone, and security questions as part of Account set up?

Your mainecc.edu account features self-service password recovery from Microsoft 365. This information helps Microsoft verify your identity when conducting account recovery and password reset operations.

How do I transition to the new calendar?

Student’s will have access to their mainecc.edu calendar when they get their new email account.
Student data will not be forwarded, or migrated.

Can I forward my mail from mainecc.edu to another account?

No. As part of the security hardening of the mainecc.edu email forwarding has been disabled. This is primarily intended to protect us from the unintended forwarding of sensitive email outside of our protected email system, but it also helps us protect against the circular forwarding of mainecc.edu forwarding to xxxx.edu which is forwarding back to mainecc.edu.

Can I use the new email for student discounts with services like Spotify?

• ITS is not communicating the domain consolidation to 3rd parties, except those who programmatically exchange data with the college. Vendors who wish to verify that mainecc.edu is a college account can use the internet whois database to view our mainecc.edu domain record.
• A Web interface for the .EDU EDUCAUSE Whois Server is available at: http://whois.educause.edu

When I try to log into my mainecc.edu the login window is still branded as the college, not the community college system.

When logging into your Microsoft 365 account you will be greeted with a branded login screen. Use the image below to determine if you are logging into the correct tenant. If you are not at the mainecc.edu login window, you will need to clear your browser cache or use an Incognito/InPrivate browser session.

This is the login screen you should see when trying to log into your new mainecc.edu account:

How do I use both the mainecc.edu and college account at the same time?

You cannot be logged into two Microsoft 365 tenants simultaneously from the same browser session. There are multiple ways to accomplish this using multiple sessions. Click here for more instructions.

Important Communications That Have Been Sent To Students

February 28,2025 - SIS Transition Email

To: All WCCC Students

From: WCCC Office of Student Services

Hi all,

As you know, we are transitioning to a new SIS with a go live date of March 17th. In case you get questions, the information in the attached document was sent to students. During the transition, we are unable to input or update content in Jenzabar. Staff and faculty will continue to have access to the JICS portal to do degree audits, attendance, access the committee tab, other documents, etc. Student’s will not be able to log into the JICS portal but they will be able to see the landing page so they will have access to the links for webmail and Brightspace, and they will still be able to see the calendar, etc. A link for Brightspace has also been added to the front page of our website.

On March 17th, Student Anthology should be online and students will be logging into Anthology with their mainecc.edu accounts to access their schedules, grades, student accounts, etc. We will also be bringing the MyWCCC Sharepoint site online at the same time. This site is like our current MyWCCC where you can find forms and documents that are not located on the Anthology site.

More information can be found here: Click here for a full list of frequently asked questions, support, and resources. There is also a graphic on the front page of our website with a summary containing dates, etc.


Thank you and please reach out if you have any questions.

Enrollment and Student Services

December 20,2024 - Important Update Around Student Computer Systems Transition Timing Email

To: All WCCC Employees and Students

From: WCCC Office of Student Services

Good Afternoon, All!


As you likely have heard, WCCC is working on new technologies to provide you with a better experience and enhance our ability to serve you. These transitions were originally scheduled to happen this January, but have been moved to happen in early March.


What to Do:


Claim Your New @mainecc.edu Email Address

If you haven’t already, make sure to claim your @mainecc.edu email address. Look for an email from October in your @wccc.me.edu account with details on how to do this. Contact IT at 207-331-9996 or ithelp@mainecc.edu for assistance.

Why? While you won’t immediately need to use this email address, you’ll want to be ready for when you need to.


Use Your @wccc.me.edu Login

Now Through the End of the Spring 2025 Semester Continue to use Your @wccc.me.edu Login for:

  • Email
  • Brightspace
  • RAVE Alert
  • Barnes & Noble Bookstore

Now Through March 3, 2025

  • MyWCCC Student Portal


Starting March 17, 2025 Use Your @mainecc.edu Login to Access the new Anthology Student Portal

The new WCCC Student portal will appear in a new environment but will still provide access to all the helpful information and resources you need. You’ll be able to link to the Anthology Student Portal from this page as well as view other helpful announcements, calendars, links, documents and forms.


Returning Student and Haven’t Registered for January Classes?

With this date change, course registration is now available again immediately. Don’t wait to Register. Get the best selection of classes by registering today. Visit your MyWCCC Student Portal or contact your academic advisor or Donna Geel in the Academic Affairs Office if you need assistance.


Returning Student Already Registered for Classes but Need to Make Changes?

Visit your MyWCCC Student Portal to make changes to your schedule and add/drop classes at any time or contact your academic advisor or Donna Geel in the Academic Affairs Office if you need assistance.


Make Note of a “Go Dark” Period Which Will Occur From March 3 to March 16, 2025

This will allow WCCC to prepare the transition to our new systems. During this time, you will not have access to many of your frequently used functions but can contact or visit offices directly for assistance.


For an updated list of frequently asked questions, please visit our student email transition and support webpage here: https://wccc.me.edu/about-wccc/news-info/student-email-and-microsoft365-transition/


We are here to help with the transition. Contact IT at 207-331-9666 or ithelp@mainecc.edu, Monday–Friday from 10 a.m.–7 p.m.


Happy Holidays!

Thank you!

Tyler Stoldt 

Dean of Enrollment Management and Student Services

Washington County Community College

December 3, 2024 - Email to Students

To: Students Still Needing to Claim MaineCC Account

From: WCCC Office of Student Services

Good Afternoon, Students!

It appears that you have not yet claimed your new MaineCC email account.  It will be needed for January courses!

Please remember that you will need to claim your new email account, if you haven’t already. Instructions and account specific information were sent to you on October 30th in an email with the subject Mainecc.edu Account Created.

At the start of the Spring 2025 semester in January, your new @mainecc.edu email address will be used for logins to all systems, including Brightspace, Rave, and Barnes and Noble. It will also be the primary means of communication with faculty and staff. To ease the transition to the Spring Semester, we are rolling out these accounts now so you will be prepared to access the new systems.  We encourage you to connect with your academic advisor during pre-registration week or contact Information Technology Support (ITS) for assistance prior to the semester break.

Where to Find Help

If you need assistance or have questions, here’s where you can turn:

Thank you!

Tyler Stoldt 

Dean of Enrollment Management and Student Services

Washington County Community College

December 3, 2024 - Text Message to Students

To: Students Still Needing to Claim MaineCC Account

From: WCCC

Text Message: It looks like you haven’t claimed your new MaineCC email! You will need it to access classes in January.

November 7, 2024 - Text Message to Students

To: All Students

From: WCCC

Text Message: Check your student email for info about switching to your new MaineCC account and pre-registration for Jan. start courses.

November 7, 2024 - Reminder: Activate your Mainecc.edu Email

To: All Students

From: Office of Enrollment Management and Student Services

Subject: Reminder: Activate your Mainecc.edu Email

Good Afternoon, Students!

Please remember that you will need to claim your new email account, if you haven’t already. Instructions and account specific information were sent to you on October 30th in an email with the subject Mainecc.edu Account Created.

At the start of the Spring 2025 semester in January, your new @mainecc.edu email address will be used for logins to all systems, including Brightspace, Rave, and Barnes and Noble. It will also be the primary means of communication with faculty and staff. To ease the transition to the Spring Semester, we are rolling out these accounts now so you will be prepared to access the new systems.  We encourage you to connect with your academic advisor during pre-registration week or contact Information Technology Support (ITS) for assistance prior to the semester break.

Where to Find Help

If you need assistance or have questions, here’s where you can turn:

Thank you!

Tyler Stoldt 

Dean of Enrollment Management and Student Services

Washington County Community College


November 1, 2024 - Text Message to Students

To: All Students

From: WCCC

Text Message: Please check your student email and visit https://wccc.me.edu/about-wccc/news-info/student-email-and-microsoft365-transition/ for an important message regarding your college email account.

October 31, 2024 - Welcome to Mainecc.edu Email

To: All Students

From: Office of Enrollment Management and Student Services

Subject: Welcome to Mainecc.edu

Good Morning, Students!

Welcome to MaineCC.edu, the new Microsoft 365 environment for all community colleges across the State of Maine! We’re excited to have you on board and want to ensure a smooth transition as you explore the powerful tools and features available to you. We understand that transitioning your current wccc.me.edu email to the new mainecc.edu email can be both exciting and challenging. Rest assured, our ITS team has meticulously planned the migration process to minimize disruptions.

An email was sent yesterday to all new students with information on how to claim your new MaineCC.edu email account and create your password.  Please read that email and claim your account as soon as possible.

Where to Find Help

If you need assistance or have questions, here’s where you can turn:

Remember, you’re not alone on this journey. Feel free to explore, experiment, and make the most of your Microsoft 365 experience!

Once again, welcome aboard!


Tyler Stoldt 

Dean of Enrollment Management and Student Services

Washington County Community College

October 30, 2024 - New Account Created Email Notice

To: All Students

From: ITHelp@mainecc.edu 

Subject: Mainecc.edu Account Created


Below you’ll find your initial username and password for mainecc.edu. During the Fall 2024 semester, we’ll begin using this account for the new Anthology Student Portal and related systems. Stay tuned for additional communications that guide you as we roll out technology changes that enhance your experience at Maine’s Community Colleges.


Your new account is: (Check Your Current WCCC Email for Your Specific New MaineCC Email Address)

Your Temporary Password is (Check Your Current WCCC Email for Your Specific New MaineCC Account Temporary Password)


Action Required:

Use the above mainecc.edu account and your temporary password to log into the account via your web browser https://myaccount.microsoft.com/. It is recommended you clear your browser cache or use an in-private/incognito browser windows to complete this activity.


As part of this process, you must set up account recovery mechanisms like security questions & answers, a secondary email (usually a personal email), or an authentication phone (SMS or voice call). If you forget your password, these mechanisms will allow you to recover your account.


If you run into any issues claiming your mainecc.edu account or setting account recovery mechanisms, please email a support request to ithelp@mainecc.edu and we’ll be happy to help ensure you can log in to your account.


If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.


Best regards,


Information Technology Services

Maine’s Community Colleges


Need Technical Support? Please call (207)-331-9666 to talk with a support technician between the hours of 8am-5pm Mon-Fri. You may also submit a help request by sending an email to: ithelp@mainecc.edu Please include your name, college, student ID number (if possible), and relevant details/screenshots.

October 28, 2024 - Coming This Week – Your New mainecc.edu Email Address

To: All Students

From: Office of Enrollment Management and Student Services

Subject: Coming This Week – Your New mainecc.edu Email Address

Dear Students,

As you may have heard, our college is investing in many new technologies to provide you with a better experience and enhance our ability to serve you.  To use these new technologies, we will be shifting to a new email address format.  You may have already noticed the faculty and staff using it – the email ending with @mainecc.edu.

Starting this week, you will also receive a new email address.  Because a few changes will occur this fall semester, you will be asked to use both your new and old email addresses.  By the Spring 2025 semester, you will only need to use your new email. This may seem confusing, but we’ll explain more in this email and in subsequent communications.  We ask that you pay careful attention to these to make the transition as smooth as possible.

At the start of the Spring 2025 semester, your new @mainecc.edu email address will be used for logins to all systems, including Brightspace, Rave, and Barnes and Noble. It will also be the primary means of communication with faculty and staff. To ease the transition to the Spring Semester, we are rolling out these accounts now so you will be prepared to access the new systems.  We encourage you to connect with your academic advisor during pre-registration week or contact Information Technology Support (ITS) for assistance prior to the semester break.

We have created a resource page for this transition on the WCCC website and a full list of frequently asked questions, resources, and support information can be found by clicking here: https://wccc.me.edu/about-wccc/news-info/student-email-and-microsoft365-transition/

In addition to the resource page, here are some quick items to get you started:

What Will My Email Be?

Your new email will generally be in this format: firstname.lastname@mainecc.edu

When Will I Start Using It as a Login to Accounts?

As a general rule, you will finish the Fall 2024 semester with your current @wccc.me.edu account for most of the apps you are familiar with

  • College Student Portal (MyEMCC, MyNMCC etc.)
  • Brightspace
  • RAVE
  • Barnes & Noble / Cengage / Bookstore

Important: Starting in January, you will use your new @mainecc.edu account for:

  • A new system called Anthology Student portal will come on-line later this fall
  • Use Anthology Student portal to review your student record, bills, and registration, etc.

During the Fall 2024 semester, where will I receive my email and notifications?

With few exceptions, you should use your @wccc.me.edu email for all purposes, including communicating with faculty, receiving alerts from Rave, etc.

What Happens in the Spring 2025?

At the start of the Spring 2025 semester, your new @mainecc.edu email address will be used for logins to all systems, including Brightspace, Rave, and Barnes and Noble. It will also be the primary means for communications with faculty and staff.  Be on the lookout for more information about setting up new logins and passwords at the start of the next semester.

If I will mostly use this email address in the Spring 2025, why give it to me now?

Some, but not all of you, will need to use the new student record, billing and registration system before the start of the Spring semester.  We’re getting you this info now so your access will be uninterrupted.

How Will I receive my new email account?

You will receive an email in this week to your current wccc.me.edu email address with instructions of how to claim your new email account, including how to set the password for it.

How Do I Get Help?

We will provide a special help desk phone number to answer your questions and help you access your new account. Call (207)-331-9666 to speak with a support technician between 8am-5pm M-F. Or Reach out to our friendly IT support team via email (ithelp@mainecc.edu). They’re here to guide you through any technical challenges.

When will my current email account stop working?

Your old email account and content in it (email, calendars, Google Docs/OneDrive) will remain available until May 15, 2025.  After that time, it will be turned off.

Thank you for your patience as we work to improve the student experience with new and enhanced technologies!



Tyler Stoldt 

Dean of Enrollment Management and Student Services

Washington County Community College

Student Email Account Help Documents and Training Resources

Student Email Training Resources

Explore the Microsoft Learn platform. It offers free courses on various Microsoft 365 tools.

Outlook training – Microsoft Support

Need Help?  We are here for you!

A special help desk phone number is available to answer your questions and help you access your new account. Call (207)-331-9666 to speak with a support technician between 8am-5pm M-F. You can also reach out to our friendly IT support team by creating a ticket via email (ithelp@mainecc.edu). They’re here to guide you through any technical challenges.