Get Ahead while in High School for Free* Register HERE!
Students who are ready to explore college or get an early start can experience a college class, explore career options, and earn both high school and college credit at the same time! Your WCCC credits apply can apply to more than 25 of our degree programs or transfer to most four-year colleges. Online and remote courses provides the flexibility to earn college credit while in high school. You can take up to 12 credit hours a year tuition and fee free. You pay for books and supplies. If you are interested in taking more than 12 credit hours, WCCC offers a 50% tuition discount of $48 per credit hour.
Please visit our ON COURSE FOR COLLEGE resource page for more information about registering. You will find steps to enrollment and more resources.
If you need assistance with completing the required steps in OnCourse to register in courses, please contact Mary-Ann Urquhart at (207) 454-1084 or murquhart@wccc.me.edu.
If you have completed the steps for registration in OnCourse and have questions, please contact Mary-Ann Urquhart at (207) 454-1084 or murquhart@wccc.me.edu
On Course for College/Dual Enrollment is an early college experience for public/publicly-funded high school and home-schooled students who are ready to explore college or get an early start, experience a college classroom, explore career options, and earn both high school and college credit at the same time! If you are a publicly-funded high school student, and you meet the criteria, below, and you’d like to enroll in one or more of our courses, please login to OnCourse to register. Benefits of On Course for College The Aspirations (On Course for College) program is sponsored by the Maine Department of Education, which reimburses WCCC for the tuition portion of up to 12 credits per academic year. In an effort to promote affordability and access to college, Washington County Community College waives remaining course related fees making these courses free to the student. Eligibility Requirements Aspirations Program Eligibility Maine public high school students (also referred to as secondary students) must meet the following requirements to be eligible to participate in the Aspirations Program. High School (Secondary), public school students and qualifying home-schooled students may be considered eligible to participate if they meet the following: Students, who do not meet the above eligibility, may be eligible under the following criteria: A secondary public school or home-schooled student who does not meet the grade point eligibility requirements, or is a first or second-year student (freshman or sophomore), is eligible to participate if: The Embark program is designed to help high school students who are undecided about their future learn more about college. Students in this program start their junior year of high school and continue through their second year of community college. Participants from over 80 Maine high schools receive academic support and guidance and are eligible to enroll in college classes while in high school. Participants are also eligible for scholarships of up to $2,000 to a Maine community college. This program allows individuals: To learn more about the Embark Program, visit the Embark page on the Maine Community College System website. To view all WCCC courses, please visit courses.