Brandon Vinal Announced as WCCC 2023 Student of the Year

Brandon Vinal, 2023 WCCC Student of the Year
CALAIS, ME – Washington County Community College is proud to announce that Brandon Vinal, a student in the Residential and Commercial Electricity (RCE) program, has been named the 2023 Student of the Year.
Brandon chose WCCC because of the positive statewide reputation our electrical program maintains. After arriving, he quickly learned that we are a small college with an incredible community that is dedicated to the success of our students with much more to offer than just the electrical program curriculum.
In order to be selected as the Student of the Year, the top award a student can achieve at WCCC, individuals must go above and beyond in their course work, their involvement on campus, and in their demonstrated leadership. Brandon exceeded these expectations through the relationships he has built with his fellow students and the faculty and staff across our campus.
Brandon strives for academic excellence, which is demonstrated by his Fall 2022 status on the President’s List with a perfect 4.0 grade point average. He demonstrates curiosity, motivation, commitment to academic excellence, and a genuine enthusiasm for learning. He continually produces stellar work in the classroom and approaches his program and academic assignments in a focused and meaningful way.
Brandon is a veteran, serving as a military police officer in the United States Marine Corps., and an adult learner who chose to live in campus housing and has fully embraced becoming part of the WCCC community. He is one of the most visible students on campus and has been a huge benefit to the overall college this year, including acting as an unofficial mentor to his younger peers.
As an adult learner, Brandon has showed the ability to be the perfect mix between peer and mentor with his classmates. They clearly trust him and respect him, and his consistent, respectful, and thoughtful participation in class often prompts students with less academic confidence to take risks and share their ideas.
Brandon is a motivated student, an excellent role model for his peers inside and outside of the classroom and has a great personality that makes him a wonderful representative of our college. He is responsible and promptly follows through on all his many campuswide commitments. Branden enjoys stepping up to take on any task that will improve the campus without being asked, and his positive attitude and leadership qualities stand out on WCCC’s campus. He plans to return to WCCC next academic year to complete the Electromechanical Instrumentation Technology program.
From serving as president of the student senate and as a resident assistant, leading teams of students through campus electrical projects, and providing tutoring services, Brandon has energized many of his peers to work selflessly for the benefit of the WCCC Community. He accomplishes this through his leadership abilities and exemplary relationship building skills. According to WCCC President, Susan Mingo, “a student with Brandon’s ethical values and positive peer influence is a rarity, and WCCC is honored to have him represent our student body as the 2023 WCCC Student of the Year. He possesses the characteristics of an authentic leader and always shows tremendous respect, empathy, and care toward others. He is an integral member of our student body, and we are a stronger campus thanks to his many talents that he chooses to share with others daily.” Tyler Stoldt, Dean of Enrollment Management and Student Services, states that “the entire campus community has been elevated to a new level this year because of Brandon’s leadership, commitment to every facet of the college experience, and willingness to serve others”.
Brandon will be recognized for this distinguished honor on April 26th with an in-person ceremony at Maple Hill Farm in Hallowell followed by a tea at the Blaine House.