Medical Office Technology (Available Fully Online)
Certificate – 32 credit hours
Program Information & Course List
Purpose: With the medical industry’s climate changing almost daily, the demand for office professionals trained in health care is growing. The MOT program prepares students to become professionally dedicated to assisting in patient care and proficient in a number of skills. The MOT professional transcribes dictation, greets patients, schedules appointments, maintains medical records, bills patients and insurance companies for office visits and treatments, and may assist physicians with reports and articles. Office professionals in medicine have the opportunity to work in a variety of settings. Medical office professionals are necessary to the smooth operation of physician’s offices, clinics, and other health care facilities.
Career Opportunities: Career options include: office manager, office assistant, medical secretary, transcriptionist, coder/abstractor, unit secretary, patient registration, receptionist, billing manager, billing clerk, or medical records clerk.
Program Educational Outcomes: Upon completion of the certificate curriculum in the medical office technology program, the graduate is prepared to:
- Demonstrate understanding of commonly used medical terms that are encountered in physical exams, medical correspondence, x-ray and pathological reports. Evaluate and perform medical office procedures including specialties of medical transcription.
- Take specialized clerical positions in medical administration, including records management, billing, and insurance claims.
- Utilize word processing and accounting applications.
- Demonstrate professional conduct and interpersonal communication skills with patients, health care professionals, and the public.
- Qualify for medical office positions in clinics, hospitals, doctors’ offices, and home health care facilities.
Medical Studies Contact
Laurie Mahar
Medical Assisting Instructor