Heavy Equipment Operations

Certificate – 32 or 34 credit hours

Program Information & Course List

Heavy Equipment Operation Tool List

Purpose: The Heavy Equipment Maintenance and Heavy Equipment Operations programs prepare students for operations and maintenance jobs in the forestry, trucking, earth-moving, or construction industries. Through intensive shop and field-oriented courses, students are introduced to a variety of heavy equipment and learn to operate and maintain, repair. and rebuild it. Emphasis is placed on the maintenance of drive train, running gear, external engine components, and hydraulic systems, as well as on the proper operation of bulldozers, trucks, pay-loaders, backhoes, and other heavy equipment.

Career Opportunities: Graduates of this certificate program may find entry level employment as heavy equipment operators or mechanics for construction companies, logging companies, farm operations, or equipment dealers.

Program Educational Outcomes: Upon completion of the certificate curriculum in this program, the graduate is prepared to: 

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of safety issues via OSHA certification as well as certifications in Red Cross, First Aid, and CPR. 
  2. Operate, maintain, repair, and rebuild a variety of heavy equipment. 
  3. Maintain drive train, running gear, external engine components, and hydraulic systems. 
  4. Properly operate bulldozers, trucks, pay-loaders, backhoes, and other heavy equipment. 
  5. Qualify for employment as entry-level operators or technicians for construction, logging, farm operations, or equipment dealers. 

Heavy Equipment Operations Contact

Artie Mahar
Heavy Equipment Operations Instructor